Green Juice!

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Come summer and one needs to go to grab a glass of juice of some fruit...just to keep you going...
but this juice is not just related to summer but to health.

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Oh No! Anything that tastes good is not good for health and vice versa!
But, VOILA! , this one does taste good and is unbelievably good for health, chk here and here too
Now to the making of juice, first day when I prepered it for my FIL, I didn't even dare to smell it for the fear of it...but what a waste! I had been missing the goodness of it till this day! Wow, its got a sweet fresh taste that tastes really good for an empty stomach in the morning.So refreshing that your day goes great!
Wheat Grass : 1 Pkt. ( Approx. 100 gms)
Water : Desired ( Recommended 100 ml)
Wash the wheat grass and chop them and put them in a blender. Add little water and blend till smooth. Strain and serve this green elixir!
Fresh Ginger or lime or even slices of carrots or apples can be added to the blender along with Wheat Grass.
This is my contribution to WHB to Kalyn's Kitchen.
PS: Will post my home grown wheat grass shortly!!!
Great entry for WHB. I've heard of this but have never tasted it.
Kalyn Denny, at 7:24 PM, April 01, 2006
wow, so simple to make and it is a healthy drink. Me and my hubby visit to a jucie shop called " Jamba juice" here, just to have this green juice. It is little expensive but very healthy drink. Thanks for sharing this recipe.
Priya Bhaskaran, at 8:25 AM, April 02, 2006
Such a healthy drink. Great going Shalini.
Unknown, at 8:37 PM, April 02, 2006
Excellent health drink,Shalini.
sailu, at 11:18 AM, April 03, 2006
@ Kalyn, Pushpa, Sailu:
@ Priya
Yeah! Its expensive, but its very simple to grow at home at no cost... Will post my experiments soon...
Shalini, at 11:28 AM, April 03, 2006
my mom's growing this in our backyard and I've been drinking this for quite sometime now...
cant totally agree on the taste aspect. its just plain... and thats all.
b a l a j i, at 3:22 PM, April 03, 2006
@ balaji,
may be u r mom is diluting it a lot. coz the samething happened on the first day when i tried. Ask her to reduce the water content and am sure u will taste the same way i did.
Shalini, at 3:38 PM, April 03, 2006
Great recipe, i want to give it a try.. let me search for this voils grass first:)
Kitchenmate, at 9:55 AM, April 05, 2006
btw: that is "Voila" grass :)
Kitchenmate, at 9:56 AM, April 05, 2006
@ Karthi,
Thx for the info, do try and let me know, you can grow them at home also.
Shalini, at 10:26 AM, April 05, 2006
Could you please get me the information of who grows (or) how to grow wheat grass juice,it will be very useful for my aunt who is a cancer patient.
Anonymous, at 10:01 PM, July 22, 2006
i would like to know the wheat grass place in chennai only
Anonymous, at 10:35 PM, July 22, 2006
hi pls tell me what is wheat grass... is it the leaves of wheat plant? pls tell me... bcoz i have been hearing abt it but i dont know the tamil equivalent.
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Anonymous, at 3:30 AM, March 05, 2007
Shalini, I just came across this...can you help me with the following informations -
1.What type of juicer/blender to use for wheatgrass juice and carrot juice?
2. What do you say in Tamil for buying wheatgrass?
Please email me the info at as I might forget to come back in here :)
Anonymous, at 11:56 AM, April 09, 2007
what is the tamil name for wheat grass. Can u kindly email at as I got this website while browsing for the tamil name of wheatgrass.
Anonymous, at 1:37 PM, September 05, 2007
Hey there...great recipe. Check out for some really good advice on wheatgrass, how to grow it and the health benefits associated with it.
Anonymous, at 10:48 PM, September 14, 2007
Great thoughts you got there, believe I may possibly try just some of it throughout my daily life.
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